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Uspešen prvi slovenski Jean Monnet dan

Letošnja 12. slovenska družboslovna Konferenca je potekala 7. decembra združeno s 1. slovenskim Jean Monnet dnevom.

Glavni poudarki Jean Monnet dneva so bile trajnostni razvoj, evropske strategije, inovacije, odnosi med lokalnim, nacionalnim in transnacionalnim upravljanjem, pomen aktivne državljanske paricipacije pa tudi pasti sodobnega političnega populizma.

V tem okviru Jean Monnet Module ”Enhancing European Civic Practices and Sustainability (Sustain4EU)” poleg sodelovanja v splošnem delu programa organiziral mednarodni panel o evropskih civilnih praksah, aktivnemu državljanstvu in trajnostnem razvoju. V okviru panela so nastopili vodja projekta izr. prof. dr. Tea Golob, FUDŠ ter ostali:  prof. dr. Mateja Rek, dr. Maya FarrHendrson, Maruša Gorišek in Koyal Verma.

Prisotni so bili tudi študenti, ki sodelujejo pri predmetu Raziskovalni seminar in na tej podlagi tudi pripravili refleksije na dogodek.  


Dogodek je potekal v okolju ZOOM.

The Successful first Slovenian Jean Monnet day

The 12th Slovenian Social Science Conference was held on 7 December and it occurred in the co-organization of the 1st Slovenian Jean Monnet Day.


The main highlights of Jean Monnet Day were sustainable development, European strategies, innovation, the relationship between local, national and transnational governance, the importance of active civic participation, as well as the pitfalls of modern political populism. In this context, Jean Monnet Module “Enhancing European Civic Practices and Sustainability (Sustain4EU)” organized an international panel on European civil practices, active citizenship and sustainable development in addition to participating in the general part of the program. Within the panel, the presentations were held by the project leader Assoc. prof. dr. Tea Golob, FUDŠ and others: prof. dr. Mateja Rek, Ph.D. Maya FarrHendrson, Maruša Gorišek and Koyal Verma.


Students participating in the course Research Seminar were also present and on this basis they prepared reflections on the event.


The event took place via ZOOM. 

1st Roundtable: European civil engagement and sustainable development SUSTAIN4EU / Prva okrogla miza v sklopu Zimskega tabora: Evropsko civilno delovanje in trajnostni razvoj




The 1st Rondtable event took place on 3rd of March. It proceeded in compliance with the project application. It was organised within the frame of annual academic events.


Dne 3.3.2021 je skladno s projektno prijavo potekala prva okrogla miza na temo Evropsko civilno delovanje in trajnostni razvoj. Dogodek je bil organiziral v sklopu letnega akademskega dogodka Fakultete za uporabne družbene študije v Novi Gorici, skupaj z Fakulteto za Informacijske študije v Novem mestu in Fakulteto za medije. Okrogla miza se je zaradi  pravil srečavanja v skladu z ukrepi proti Covid-19 odvijal v spletnem okolju Zoom. Kljub spletnemu okolju je dogodek potekal brez večjih zapletov in privabil veliko število poslušalcev (okoli 60 udeležencev vse skupaj).  

13th Slovenian Social Science Conference - 2nd thematic panel of Sustain4EU

School of Advanced Social Studies co-organised the 13th Slovenian Social Science Conference. It took place between 11th and 13th of November 2021. The conference had many different panel dedicated to current sociological issues all encouraging vibrant academic debate among the international audience. Within the conference, the Sustain4EU team organised a thematic panel entitled Sustainable development and WISEs in Slovenia and Europe. The key note speaker was Dražen Simleša PhD, who is the expert in the field of social entrepreneurship and sustainable development. He is working in the Institute of Ivo Pilar in Zagreb, Croatia.  Within the panel, the Sustain4EU team also represented a study on digital innovations, which was conducted as a part of a project Sustainable Action (ARRS J5-1788). This research is in synergy with the susatin4EU research orientations and pedagogical activities.

2nd Roundtable: Individual responsibility in relation to social and environmental sustainable development on a local, national and European level / Druga okrogla miza : Individualna odgovornost v odnosu do družbenega in okoljskega trajnostnega razvoja na lokalni, nacionalni in evropski ravni


2. okrogla miza v okviru Jean Monnet Modula SUSTAIN4EU z naslovom Individualna odgovornost v odnosu do družbene in okoljske trajnosti na lokalni, nacionalni in evropski ravni se je uspešno odvila preko Zoom-a. Študentki ga. Pia Dujić Vrtačnik in ga. Sonja Čuk sta predstavili svojo vlogo v akcijskem raziskovanju, ki združuje družboslovne raziskovalne metode in aktivno povezovanje z okoljem in deležniki. Predstavili sta svoja raziskovalna dnevnika, ki sta primer dobre prakse študentskih nalog. Sledil je pogovor z deležniki, ki imajo v aktivnostih SUSTAIN4EU pomembno vlogo. Svoje poglede sta predstavila ga. Erika Zuodar iz Občine Ajdovščina in g. Marjan Huč, predstavnik Platforme Sloga. Sledila je diskusija in izmenjava mnenj, izkušenj in predlogov. Zahvaljujemo se vsem gostom in številni publiki, ki je spremljala dogodek.
2nd Jean Monnet Module SUSTAIN4EU Round Table entitled Individual responsibility in relation to social and environmental sustainable development on a local, national and European level took place via ZOOM successfully. Students Ms. Pia Dujić Vrtačnik and Ms. Sonja Čuk represented their role in the action research that combines social science research methods and active networking with the environment and stakeholders. They represented their research diaries, which are the example of a good practice of student assignments. Afterwards, the debates with stakeholders took place. Ms.  Erika Zuodar from Municipality of Ajdovščina, and Mr. Marjan Huč representative of the Platforma Sloga shared their views on the main topic . They encouraged the vibrant discussion and opinion exchange on the public. We thank all the guests and participants to co-create the event.

14th Slovenian Social Science Conference - 3nd thematic panel of Sustain4EU

School of Advanced Social Studies co-organised the 14th Slovenian Social Science Conference. It took place between 17 and 18th of June 2022.The title of hje conference was “Back to history? Coping with re-emerging social challenges for humanity”. The main aim was to question question what can we as a humanity learn from the previous experiences that humanity all over the globe went through, in order to recognise the advantages and limitations in coping with reoccurring historical trends. Despite the current challenges to globalisation, the humanity is still more connected and interdependent than ever before. In addition, turning the social and political attention to more recent crises such as covid-19 and the Russian aggression have not made the other problems, such as the issues of social and environmental sustainability disappear – but only made them even worse. The situation thus challenges the social scientists and experts dealing with social transformations to search for new answers.


Jean Monnet Module Sustain4EU hosted the thematic session “Social science research methods for understanding and providing sustainable development in the EU context”. The key note speech opening the panel referred to the social Entrepreneurship and integration of migrants in the EU context. Within the session of paper presentation, the Module leader dr. Tea Golob represented a research on measuring reflexivity and connecting the concept to sustainable development. This study was carried out within a research project Sustainable Action (ARRS J5-1788) founded by Slovenian research Agency. The implementation of this  research is in synergy with the Module research orientations and applied in pedagogical activities.

3rd Roundtable: European civic connections and communities of the future / Evropsko civilno povezovanje in skupnosti prihodnosti

Dne 16.3. 2023 se je uspešno odvila tretja okrogla miza v okviru Jean Monnet Modula SUSTAIN4EU z naslovom Evropsko civilno povezovanje in skupnosti prihodnosti. Dogodek je bil organiziral v sklopu letnega akademskega dogodka Fakultete za uporabne družbene študije v Novi Gorici, skupaj z Fakulteto za Informacijske študije v Novem mestu in Fakulteto za medije. Zimski tabor je potekal v hibridni obliki, in sicer tako v prostoih Fakultete za uporabne družbene študije, kot tudi v spletnem okolju Zoom. Dogodek je potekal brez zapletov in privabil veliko število poslušalcev (okoli 40 udeležencev vse skupaj).

On 16.3. In 2023, the third round table within the Jean Monnet Module SUSTAIN4EU, entitled European Civil Integration and Communities of the Future, took place successfully. The event was organized as part of the annual academic event of the Faculty of Applied Social Studies in Nova Gorica, together with the Faculty of Information Studies in Nova mesto and the Faculty of Media. The winter camp was held in a hybrid format, namely both in the free time of the Faculty of Advanced Social Studies, as well as in the Zoom online environment. The event went smoothly and attracted a large number of listeners (around 40 participants in total).

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