Final Evaluation Report
Evaluation Report contains the:
Analysis based on standard students’ questionnaires for each of the courses combined with additional module-specific students’ questionnaires for the two Module’s courses
Questionnaires for participants at all thematic activities organized within the Module
Evaluation debates in the Advisory Board and the HEI’s Commission for Quality and Evaluation twice per year
Evaluation of the forth event of the Jean Monnet Module Enhancing European Civic Practices and Sustainability (Sustain4EU). – Roundtable “Individual responsibility in relation to social and environmental sustainable development on a local, national and European level, 1st March 2022
Evaluation of the fifth event of the Jean Monnet Module Enhancing European Civic Practices and Sustainability (Sustain4EU). – “Social science research methods for understanding and providing sustainable development in the EU context” organised within 14th SLOVENIAN SOCIAL SCIENCE CONFERENCE, June, 18th 2022 and additional 15th SLOVENIAN SOCIAL SCIENCE CONFERENCE November 21-24, 2022
Evaluation of the sixth / seventh event of the Jean Monnet Module Enhancing European Civic Practices and Sustainability (Sustain4EU). – Roundtable “European civic connections and communities of the future., 16th March 2023
Evaluation report of the first event: ”Enhancing European Civic Practices and Sustainability (Sustain4EU)” – organised within 12TH SLOVENIAN SOCIAL SCIENCE CONFERENCE and 1ST SLOVENIAN JEAN MONNET DAY, 7th December 2020
Evaluation report of the second event: Roundtable: European civil engagement and sustainable development SUSTAIN4EU, 7th December 2020, 3rd March 2021
Evaluation of the third event of the Jean Monnet Module Enhancing European Civic Practices and Sustainability (Sustain4EU). – “Sustainable development and social innovations in Europe” organised within 13th SLOVENIAN SOCIAL SCIENCE CONFERENCE, 12th November 2021